by Tasting Design | Nov 11, 2000
Play around. Creative thinking is deeply linked with trying new combinations, so be eager to create new recipes with whatever ingredients you have in...
by Tasting Design | Nov 11, 2000
Know what makes your day. Enjoying the little things can boost your motivation and put you in the right mood for creating, so identify what sticks to your ribs and savor those...
by Tasting Design | Nov 11, 2000
Keep moving on. When you took a bigger bite than you can chew, try to transform the problem into questions so that you can finely chop it into small parts avoiding getting...
by Tasting Design | Nov 11, 2000
Face the world with humor. The cookie will certainly crumble, so trying to find a problem's fun or ridiculous angle can help you avoid getting cheesed...
by Tasting Design | Nov 11, 2000
Make lots of room for good things. It is crucial to have an environment with some freedom for new ideas to arise, just as the bread dough needs space to leaven. Allow yourself to be free of constraints once in a...